1. This machine is suitable for the sorting of square aluminum shell batteries; 2. Manually use hydraulic truck trays (five trays at a time) or customize according to customer requirements; 3. Scan code thickness measurement after automatic disassembly; 4. Produce with customers Database docking, automatic sorting according to requirements; 5. After automatic stacking, manually use hydraulic vehicles to discharge materials or customize according to customer requirements; 6. Sorting grades are customized according to customer requirements.
more1. This machine is suitable for the sorting of square aluminum shell batteries; 2. It is connected to the logistics line, and the entire plate is automatically loaded and scanned to realize the thickness measurement of a single battery; 3. It is connected to the customer's production database and automatically sorted according to requirements; 4 .The sorting level is customized according to customer requirements; 5. Automatic or manual feeding;
more1. This machine is suitable for testing the open circuit voltage and internal resistance of square aluminum shell batteries; 2. Automatic scanning of codes; 3. Batch testing of the entire disk, fast and reliable; 4. Automatically pick out NG products according to the test parameters and automatically download NG material; 5. Can be automatically connected to the logistics line;
more1. This machine is suitable for moving square aluminum shell batteries into the tray or removing the batteries out of the tray; 2. Automatically scan codes, and automatically reject batteries with bad scan codes; 3. Automatic loading and unloading with RGV; 4. Automatically complete the binding of production data information set;
moreContact address: No. 2 Taihe Road, Hengli Village, Wangniudun Town, Dongguan (in the courtyard of Guohong Building)
Contact: Jun Fang
email:[email protected]
Contact information:+6582605806
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